Social Enterprise
We offer jobs, training and work-experience to our service users who want to move on to better things.
Being a team member.
We truly believe that everyone has a marketable talent.
Ahava Community is actively engaged with helping people to train for a future career and in some cases we accept the
expertise of those who are retired and wish to pass their knowledge on to help to improve the charity and train others along the way.
We have participated in the UK Government's "Kick Start Scheme" that enabled over twenty younger-aged workers to gain important skills
through various departments of the charity.
Four partcipants on the Kick-start programme were then given full-time positions within the organisation and all have moved into full-time employment with other organisations . With another Kick starter going back into full-time education. We fully believe we have contributed to a brighter future for many of the Kick Start participants.
Today we continue with the development of life and trade skills for a fair number of service users and volunteers.
About our Social Enterprise Initiative
We currently have 8 charity shops nationwide where we have current and former service users onboard. In addition we also have a cafe where we provide hopitality industry training to volunteers and service users.